NavaDhiti Business Consultancy Services Pvt Ltd

NavaDhiti Business Consultancy Services Pvt Ltd

Bangalore, Karnataka
51-200 Employees
January 1, 2019


NavaDhiti was founded in the year 2019 with a mission to enable 5000 careers to the deserving talent and fulfill the technology needs of social impact organizations.During this journey, we aspire to create careers for the deserving youth and support various social impact organisations’ technology needs.We hope to inspire a culture of self-governed professionals with high ethical values.

Offered services

Product, Platform, Mobile & Web Software Services

Delivering Quality Software Development Services To Enable Scalable Technology Solutions To Our Customers.Extensibility of Technology & Engineering Management With Cross Platform Functionality - Web & Mobile, Automation & CI-CD.

Mobile App Development

Building Out Hybrid Applications Relevant To The Business Case Of Our CustomersEnhancements & Extensibility Of Feature Sets across Multi-Domain & Cross-Functional Experiences

Alliances and partnerships

Google Partner


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